Petra Sittig Photography - Photoshoots for Artists and Professionals
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The artist's voice -Podcast

The Artist's voice is a platform for artists to talk about and showcase their form of art. Inviting all artists to express their love for what they do and use this platform to give an insight into their world. All dancers, choreographers, teachers, musicians, singers, composers, creators of art; this is the place to show and tell.

The Artist’s voice

Inspired during the initial COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020, my project was sparked by witnessing the struggles of my children, ballet dancers at the Vienna State Opera, unable to practice their craft due to isolation. Initially a small photography endeavor, capturing artists at their windows, it swiftly transformed into a symbol of solidarity for the arts community.

The repercussions of this pandemic will echo throughout the artistic and cultural sectors for years to come. Thus, I felt compelled to shed light on the plight of creative individuals and organizations, advocating for their recognition and support. Through this project, I aimed to amplify artists' voices, offering a platform for their stories and perspectives. If they can't grace the stage, they should still be seen and heard.

Vienna, a bastion of culture, served as a fitting backdrop for my efforts, with its rich artistic heritage and diverse community. I've photographed over 500 artists, including musicians, dancers, and opera stars, alongside ambassadors from various nations, all standing in solidarity with Vienna's artistic community.

The arts, often overlooked, are integral to society's fabric, shaping our collective identity and enriching our lives. They transcend language and borders, offering solace and inspiration in times of turmoil. By spotlighting Vienna's cultural legacy, I hope to instill a greater appreciation for the arts worldwide. Moreover, I've witnessed firsthand the resilience of artists in the face of adversity. Despite canceled performances and financial hardships, their unwavering passion for their craft fuels a newfound creativity. Their optimism is palpable, radiating hope through every photograph.

Through this project, I aim to educate future generations on the importance of the arts, advocating for its integration into education systems worldwide. By nurturing creativity and fostering appreciation for the arts, we can build a more empathetic and harmonious society.Ultimately, my goal is to spark dialogue and action, ensuring that the arts and artists are valued and supported in our modern world. Through interviews with artists globally, I seek to understand their experiences and explore solutions for securing the future of the arts.

In essence, this project is a testament to the resilience and vitality of the human spirit, as embodied by artists around the world. Their stories remind us of the transformative power of art and the boundless possibilities it offers for a brighter future."


Reinet Behncke - Soprano: "There's an academic as well as a musical quality to Baroque music."

The South African-Argentine soprano Reinet Behncke studied voice and vocal pedagogy in the United States at the University of Colorado at Boulder before moving to Vienna. She graduated from the Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, where she received her Master of Arts in Lied and Oratorio, studying with KS Birgid Steinberger, KS Angelika Kirchschlager, and Carolyn Hague, as well as studying voice with Michele Friedman, and early and Baroque music with Nicholas Parle and Reinhard Führer. During her studies, she also participated in masterclasses with Helmut Deutsch, Julius Drake, and Susan Manoff.

Her main artistic focus has been the performance and interpretation of Lieder, art song, and concert works. Along with her Lied duo partner Anna An, pianist, she has performed throughout Europe, most notably in the concert series "Musik des Holocaust", featuring works composed in Theresienstadt. Her performance of Lieder has further led to performances throughout the world, including at the Grand Théâtre de Calais, the Colorado MahlerFest, and at the Musikfest Stuttgart with Hilko Dumno.

An avid interpreter of the works of J.S. Bach, whose music is her greatest artistic passion, she performed "Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal", BWV 146, under the direction of Helmuth Rilling at the Musikfest Stuttgart. She was additionally a young artist at the Internationale Bach Akademie Stuttgart in 2017, where she studied the interpretation and performance of Bach's music with Dorothee Mields, Peter Harvey, and Jos van Veldhoven. Her master’s thesis at MUK was on the subject of the musical analysis and interpretation of Bach’s solo soprano cantatas. Her church and oratorio repertoire additionally includes Bach’s Magnificat and numerous cantatas, Vesperae solennes de confessore, Exsultate Jubilate, Requiem, and Krönungsmesse by Mozart, Die Tageszeiten by Telemann, Die sieben Worte Jesu Christi am Kreuz by Schütz, and Szűz Mária Mise by László Dobszay in its Austrian premiere.

Reinet is a founding member and the soprano soloist of the Baroque group, Ensemble Quattro Cieli. Together with her colleagues, she has performed at the Vienna Bach Woche, the BachZeit Festival at Kantorei Mondsee, and at the Altes Rathaus in Vienna. The ensemble performs both rare and well known Baroque works.

Operatic roles include Josephine (HMS Pinafore) with Loveland Opera Theatre, Barbarina (Le Nozze di Figaro) and Sophie (Der Rosenkavalier) with New York Lyric Opera, as well as Brigitta (Iolanta) with New Opera NYC, and the Brautjungfer (Der Freischütz) with Utopia Opera. Her other operatic credits include Mozart’s Erste Dame (Die Zauberflöte) and Prima Novizia (Suor Angelica), among others.

Reinet was a winner of the ORF's prestigious Fidelio-Wettbewerb in both 2016 and 2017, and was additionally a semi-finalist of the Heinrich Strecker Crossover Competition of Bühne Baden, as well as a semi-finalist of the Internationaler Gesangswettbewerb CantateBach, both in 2019.