Kevin Patterson opens up the world of piano tuning and a mechanical insight into a Steinway piano
The more I talk to artists, the more I discover how many art forms there are. Kevin Patterson did not just open up a world of piano tuning but he also opened up a Steinway piano to show where some of the magic happens. This is a fascinating job and done by a man who has so much love for his job. Kevin shows and talks about all the mechanical detail inside these beautiful instruments and talks about his experiences of having to tune and check pianos during concerts. What if a piano string breaks? Seems like pianists who are playing music of Rachmaninov should carry pliers in the pocket of their Frack. Kevin tells how he became interested in piano tuning and how much he has learnt over the years. Here more about his beautiful wish and his favourite place to have coffee.
Thank you to Steinway and Sons of Tampa Bay for sponsoring this interview. Co-ordinated by Tina Giorgio
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